मंगलवार, 5 अगस्त 2014

Need maithil to gerb more and more job.

Namaskar Madan jee,

My name is Mridul Shekhar Jha, Managing Director of one Staffing and recruiting firm in Hyderabad.

I have lots of opening in different verticals right fron labour, ITI, Diploma, B.tech to Gm and VP level.

Need maithil to gerb more and more job.

Let me know how to post opening in this sight. Admin pls contact me.

Thanks & Best Regards,

Mridul Shekhar Jha |CEO

KSC Private Limited ,Hyderabad - 500072
Tel: +91 (040) 42000941 | Mobile: +91 8008744455
Fax: +91 (040) 42000942mridul@kscindia.com

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